Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2008 and Beyond!

I know this may come a little late, but Happy New Year everyone!!

2008 has started with a bang for me! This past weekend was the opening weekend of "Thrill Me," and let me tell you, it was a fantastic opening!
We didn't get to do our final dress rehearsal until Friday morning, (the day of our preview) due to the space we are using that we are sharing with Comedy Central. We did a que to que, had a full dress, had dinner, then had a preview that night. The preview went over great! I had two lovely friends and DePaul alums in the house, and people seemed to enjoy the creepy killer duo of a show.

Saturday night was full of excitement as the Havok Theatre Company opened its doors for the 1st time to an interested and curious audience.
I love opening nights! The energy in the building seemed to be so electric and fresh. I fed on that energy. As a performer, it is something special to share that energy with a full house of theatre goers.

We shared the same space-
we shared the same time-
we lived and breathed the same moments

this "time", this shared time is sacred. There is no other time or place that is the same.

Every time I perform in a show, I feel this way. I have these thoughts, these experiences that make my work so incredibly valuable to me.
It struck a chord with me this weekend, as I was feeling the similar sacred feelings, with all the excitement,
all the new fresh theatre faces that I've met here in Los Angeles-
that I know I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing- illuminating lives
through a vehicle called Theatre.

The reviews are starting to come! Click HERE for opening night pics and review from LAStageScene.com