Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Creative solutions

We are well into our residency here at Montalvo, and I have to say it is such a delight to be here.
Our reading happened on Sunday evening, and we had only a handful of people attend. However, we received wonderful feedback that was very useful for our process. Chris Dolan, the playwright, has since made several changes and improvements in the script. Once we receive changes, it's back to the work space to work them out. In these readings, great discussions arise and amplify our creative thinking, which in itself is a delight to witness and partake in.

What is great about this process, is our surroundings. Yesterday, before we met again to read a new version, I was able to take a hike in the mountains and see the huge redwood trees that are all over the place here! Its so great to hike, be inspired by nature, then go right into the workspace.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Alive and Well

Fortunate am I to be experiencing life in the beautiful estate of Montalvo.
With gorgeous surroundings in the mountains of Saratoga, California and uniquely designed residency cottages, Montalvo proves itself to be a true artists get away that inspires, and lets life of a working artist flourish. Whether it be an architect, a musician, playwright or an actor, Montalvo welcomes all and gives time and space for life and creativity.

Pictured is the cottage where I am staying. Today was our first day of work on "The Reader," and we have an invited reading tomorrow. Our team of 9, are working together to create a workable script of an adapted story of the novel, "The Reader," by Bernhard Schlink. I couldn't be more excited than to be surrounded by artists from all over the world to collaborate on a script of such a beautiful story.
For more info on the story click here: The Reader

I will keep this blog updated during our time here at Montalvo.
I am off to sleep, and will eagerly awake for a refreshing morning hike in the beautiful mountains of Saratoga.